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Build your career in AWS Cloud by attending the most in-depth and hands-on training



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about Me

Pratik Gosawi

Welcome to The Silicon Academy

I'm a working professional in AWS Data Analytics domain and a very passionate AWS trainer. I've trained more than 1500+ students on AWS all over the globe.

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Our Course

AWS Bootcamp

Instructor : Pratik Gosawi

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Our Students Review

The live classes conducted by the trainer were really helpful to understand the concept in depth with complete hands on that gives an idea of real world scenario.

By Rutuja Kumbhar

I had an amazing experience with this a learning sessions, the instructor was very knowledgeable, could share the industry knowledge and great examples.

By Prasanth Kumar

The trainer(Pratik Gosawi) was the best trainer you could get to teach it from basics to advanced the AWS services. Really liked the training given by the trainer, it was knowledgeable and very much understandable.

By Haidarali Shaikh

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